Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What is prayer?

And Jesus said, “Prayer is spiritual interaction between The Source, you, and others. Spiritual interaction is an activity, a connection, and a dialogue between the spirit you are, other spirits, and The Source. This connection and dialogue uses intent and emotions more than words. There is a difference between how you feel when you are content vs. the words you use to describe the contentment. Prayer is like being content instead of stating your contentment. Being content is the act of emoting or feeling contentment to such a degree that you would describe yourself as content. This interaction also often includes images. Therefore, prayer is interaction facilitated by feeling and seeing. This seeing is not an act accomplished using your physical eyes but rather images you internally visualize.
Therefore, prayer is a multi-dimensional emotional and visual experience. It involves giving and receiving, an exchange of spiritual energy containing feelings and images. Prayer is a participatory activity. Prayer does not require a special place, time, or physical posture. Prayer does not require an adherence to a particular religion because prayer is not a religious activity.”

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